We are also at your side after commissioning. In order to safeguard production, we offer our customers comprehensive services such as technician assignments, maintenance, inspections and training. If there is ever a problem, our service department is there for you - we look forward to your enquiry.
Phone: +49-211-9119 4000 *
Email: service(at)system-group.net
Monschauer Straße 1
40549 Düsseldorf
* During business hours the first 5 minutes of your call are free of charge (Mo - Fr, 9-17 hours). After this, every started 30 minutes will be charged at 50,00 €. Outside normal business hours, every started 30 minutes of each call will be charged at 150,00 €. If you have booked one of our service packages, calls will be charged according to the packages’ conditions. For overnight and/or weekend deliveries of spare parts we will charge an additional service fee of 150 € (in addition to freight, packing and freight insurance).